You have more questions. You want to know more, more, MORE!
Because I like you, I have compiled some of the most Frequently Asked Questions, right here for you to see.
So here you go. Have fun. Reading is a great skill to have!
What does a show cost?
That depends on a huge variety of factors. Is it a 30 minute show for 40 people in my hometown? Or do I have to travel across the country and do a 90 minute show for 3000 people?
It’s best to just contact my office and we can get you a customized quote specifically for your event.

Will you perform at my event for free? There will be a lot of bigwigs there and I am sure you will get a ton of business!
The utility companies recently sent out an announcement that they will no longer accept payment in the form of “exposure”. My kids’ colleges also stopped accepting “exposure” as tuition payments last year.
As such, I am forced to charge actual money for the skills I have spent the past 30 years developing and refining. I am sure you understand the tight spot that puts me in. Your understanding means a ton to me. Thank you.
How big of a stage do you need?
I can perform my show on just about any size stage in any venue. The important thing is that the audience can clearly SEE and HEAR me. If there is a loud band playing 30 yards away from my stage when I do my show, or it’s in a really dark room, it’s not going to be a good show.
Is that a real sword and real fire you use?
Yes, the sword was forged and custom-made for me by a real bladesmith. The fire is also real, having been made by . . . a caveman banging two rocks together?
Do your shows always have fire?
Not at all! I perform with fire only by request. Furthermore, in the case of an indoor program, I am unable to use fire in the show due to safety and insurance concerns. But the show is still going to TOTALLY ROCK!
Can you hypnotize people?
I manipulate peoples’ perceptions, which is entirely for entertainment purposes. I cannot help you relive lost memories or help you quit smoking. But I can perform mental shenanigans with audience volunteers and guide them so they are extremely entertaining and have a fantastic time!
What do you do when you aren’t performing?
I do try to see my family on occasion. However, during the very busy season, if I am not on-stage performing, I am probably driving across the country to get to the stage I will be performing on.
Is your show “Family-Friendly”?
I don’t do any shows that are “dirty”, although I CAN do some PG-13 comedy that contains some innuendo. However, if this is a corporate event, or your pastor and children are going to be in the audience, or any other reason you want a strictly G-rated show, just let me know. I can do my show so squeaky-clean that your great-grandmother will comment on “What a well-behaved and charming young man that performer is . . . “

Copyright 2024 – Brent Allan Entertainment